You're looking at an unstable version of this specification. Unstable specifications may change at any time without notice.

Switch to the current stable release.


This is the unstable version of the Matrix specification.

This changelog lists changes made since the last release of the specification.

  • Breaking Changes

    • 2687: Document curve25519-hkdf-sha256 key agreement method for SAS verification, and deprecate old method (MSC2630).

  • Backwards Compatible Changes

    • 2709: Add a device_id parameter to login fallback per MSC2604 <>_.

  • Spec Clarifications

    • 2634: Minor clarifications to the “Push Notifications” module.
    • 2639: Fixed some errors in the key backup spec.
    • 2647: Improve consistency and clarity of event schema title\ s.
    • 2653: Fix some errors in the end-to-end encryption spec.
    • 2667: Reword “UI Authorization” to “User-Interactive Authentication” to be more clear.
    • 2669: Fix types of push rules' actions; they can be objects as well as strings.
    • 2670: Minor clarifications to the “Push Notifications” module.

Historical versions

Before version 1.1, versioning was applied at the level of individual API specifications. This section includes links to these versions of the APIs.

Last modified December 15, 2020: Rename directory for changelog shortcodes (e256b56)